Hestercombe coach trip report
The Society`s early summer trip on June 9th was to Hestercombe House and gardens, near Taunton in Somerset.
These famously restored gardens span three centuries of garden design. Sir Edward Lutyens hallmarks are everywhere – iris-choked rills, pergolas, seats and pools. Gertrude Jekyll`s planting is bold and simple and the combination of these designs make the gardens very photogenic.
Hestercombe House is open to the public and boasts a contemporary art gallery, second-hand bookshop and a well-stocked shop. There is also a small but bountiful plant centre and many plants found their way onto the coach at the end of the visit! The café and restaurant served delicious home-cooked lunches and afternoon teas.
35 people joined us on this trip and an enjoyable day was had by all. Thank you to everyone who came, and also to Dave, our coach driver, and to Pencoed Travel.
Our coach holiday to Cheshire is just around the corner and we're looking forward to sharing everything we get up to with the rest of the society in next month's newsletter.