Previous Shows
S U M M E R S H O W R E P O R T 2 0 2 4
Tim Prior - Show Secretary
I think I will start this off by saying a big thank you to our exhibitors and visitors who either staged items or came along and supported the show. It is not just the show secretary who puts this on for our townspeople, it is also your committee and a small cadre of members who get stuck in. Without this support we would not have this event.
It has been another strange old year with the weather, I remember last year when it was a hot summer and the ground was cracking open, no rain and high temperatures. Bit of a contrast this year! Very much like a summer of yesteryear from my youth. How many times did we sow our seeds just to watch them fail, the unseasonal cold and incessant wet, and oh yes a
few very windy days beforehand. Lots of produce was late!
Our doors were open on Saturday 17th August for our exhibitors to stage their flowers, fruit, and vegetables. There did not seem to be a great many coming through the door and then the girls of CF61 rocked up, keen as mustard for their first show. Thank you, ladies, and very well done. Over the two-hour staging time we had a gradual trickle come in and they were ably helped by the registrars Sylvia and Liz, who then directed them on the various stewards to guide them. Judgement time!! Dennis Barry NVS, Keith Sweetzer FRHS and our very own Jayne Thomas all presided over the exhibits before them. And to be honest, though not great in number it was obvious that there was still the quality before us.
On all the tables there were gaps where no exhibits could be provided. The vegetables lacked cabbages, cauliflowers, shallots, and peas. But the potatoes, beans and onions were well supported. We had some good carrots and shapely beetroot and lots of cherry tomatoes, usually we have many plates of larger tomatoes, but this year they were late. My greenhouse is stacked with them now! There were lovely long cucumbers, leeks from CF61 and a variety of other vegetables and fruits. We had three entries for the Top Tray, not an easy class to enter, and the winner was Andrew Lewis and Mary Ponting was runner up. Well done to Alan Price, Alison Leach, Liz Rees, and Tim Prior who all managed to win a trophy to take home. The best vegetable exhibit was a plate of runner beans, staged by Tim Prior. These also won the best in show. Congratulations also go to Sylvia Comben who won the Novices
Our flower tables too had gaps, but what was before us was stunning! There were a couple of entries for the Top Vase from Chris Thomas and Sylvia Comben, beautiful blooms and beautifully displayed. We had lots of vases of cut flowers of various hues and shapes, including some very vibrant Sun flowers. Next to these were stunning Dahlias, Collarettes, Decoratives and Cactus dainty little heads of petals or pom poms, the colours were amazing. As were the Gladioli, I must admit I did not expect to see any after the winds of the previous days, but they were there, a good half dozen regal stems. Nice to see Roses this year too, another one that does not like the wind and rain. It was a shame that we were lacking numbers for the potted plants. Congratulations go to Chris Jones who won the best flower exhibit, Marilyn Alston for her sweet peas and Sylvia Comben for her exhibit of Flowers and Foliage. The best flower exhibit was awarded to Chris Jones.
There was one small cup awarded at our show and to earn it was no mean achievement either. I am talking about the Best kept Allotment award. This was won by Annette Smith, now Annette took over a jungle a year ago, taking over jungles on the allotment site is not unusual! It has been by shear perseverance and endless hard work by her that we are now blessed with a vegetable haven! Well done indeed.
Now, something close to our Chairperson, Bill Lee’s heart is cakes and biscuits, but we did not have any of these, especially the chocolate ones! To continue the trait, the entries in Section 7 Home Produce were also lower than previous years. Even so, there were some nice-looking Boiled Fruit cakes, Lemon Drizzle cakes, Victoria Sponges, Scones and Welsh cakes. We did have a good show of Chutney, Jams and Marmalades, also the Home Brew, this was won by a tasty little number of Blackberry gin, so the steward told me. I know Jayne Thomas really enjoys judging this section, which also has the children’s baking, only three exhibits this year, but it was said that the raison Flapjacks and the Queen cakes were well worth tasting. Congratulations go to Sylvia Comben, the overall winner of Section 7 and a Magnificent Lemon drizzle cake too. Also to Cath Thomas, Alison Leach and Chris Prior.
We were all pleased to see an increase in the number of exhibits from our younger members, there were six who stood up to be judged and they were: Renee Rees, Eira Rees, Ryan Smith, Eden Rudd, Tom Featherstone, and his sister Sophie. All your exhibits were imaginative and colourful and they very obviously took a lot of time to make. Thank you for supporting our show. Now not all can have a cup, but all went away with certificates and most too had rosettes. Eden Rudd and Eira Rees took home one or two cups, Sophie Featherstone won the Aberthaw Power Station Shield for the best exhibit in a child’s class.
So, ‘now the show is over’ to coin a phrase, all the work of your Show secretary and committee laid bare to the people of our town. I really hope that you who supported us enjoyed what you saw, some of you said that you would like to take part in the next one, please I hope you do. It is not difficult, just takes a bit of time and luck. Without you, our exhibitors of various ages between 4 and 84 and of our supporter, our show would not exist. It would be something of yesterday, so come on, come and give it a try. We will be waiting
for you on the 16 th of August for our 49th show.
Finally a few stats for you. There were 181 exhibits from 34 exhibitors, 6 of which were under the age of 16. We had 136 paying visitors, and the raffle raised £162 for our show.
I would like to take a moment to thank the following local businesses who provided prizes for our raffle. The Co-Operative group, Waitrose and Partners, Topstak, Hoselok Ltd, Bloms Bulbs, The Blacksmiths Arms, Waterstones, and members of our society.
Dedicated to Keith Powell & Sylvia Geary
Reported by Tim Prior, Show Secretary
As I start to write this report for the show I cannot help to look back over the months before it was staged and think 'all the work was worth it, we had a great show'. But it was not just my effort, it was everyone who helped, you know who you are and you have my sincere thanks. Also, my thanks for the weather, it held pretty well after a ghastly few days
On the Friday before a few of us set the show tables and morphed the stage into the central display area, running the length of the hall. With all the covers on and class labels out it did look impressive. The show officials duly arrived early Saturday morning and after a short brief were able to stage their own exhibits and then wait to help the other exhibitors. It was busy, and you got the feeling that it was going to be good.
By 10.45am, 40 exhibitors had displayed 251 items of vegetables, fruits, cut flowers, floral displays, cakes, jams, chutneys and some exhibits from the children. Really very good to see a lot of folk exhibiting for the first time, and your efforts were appreciated so please don't stop.
Very pleased to say that our judges Dennis Barry, Keith Sweetzer and Jayne Thomas were kept fairly busy for more than an hour. Then our lovely Elizabeth Rees arrived with a very satisfying buffet - wonderful and thank you too.
The doors opened at 2.00pm, so in you go and immediately on the right were the vegetable tables or you could go straight in and get a tea from Pat and Ros - what a busy day you had ladies! Back to the veg and there was a lot of it, 29 classes and only one not entered; the humble cauliflower. One day I am sure we will get the full 29.
Nearly all these classes had multiple entries, six pairs of cucumbers, countless plates of small and other tomatoes, a brace of cabbage, onions of all sizes, very good dwarf and runner beans and 3 plates of shallots that we have not had in the show for quite some time. There were leeks, lettuces and beetroots, collections of 6 different vegetable, even one of salad vegetables and hiding away in the any other veg section was the biggest bulb of garlic that I had ever seen - well done to you Chris Burford.
In fact well done to all the vegetable exhibitors, being one myself I know how you may have fretted to get items to the tables. There was a very nice selection of soft fruits and apples, we also had a melon, grown on the allotment by Mike Sherritt - nice to see something different.
Heaviest marrow and longest runner beans were well represented with the longest bean was just over 20 inches, but I do not think it would have eaten very well! A good turn out by our novices with their vegetables just so very few entries in the novice classes for flowers.
Section 5 floral arrangements was fairly light on entries, understandably as they can be pretty big and expensive (may have to have a think about these for next year!) But, there were some beautiful baskets of fresh garden flowers and some very dainty buttonholes. Jannice Simmonite and Sylvia Comben both entered the Top vase - you worked so hard on these ladies, well done.
Now lets walk along section 2, flowers and plant pots. We had some miniature sunflowers, resplendent in their majesty. Oh, the Dahlias all different shapes and sizes, single petalled Collarette's, Decoratives, Cactus and Pom Pom's. Just so colourful. Next were some roses and then the Gladioli (yes we actually had a few entries of these) - quite obvious that our careful growers had gathered them in before the previous days weather. Last year it was a different story! Same with the Sweet Peas and Carnations, they all looked very healthy.
Next on the tables were Fuchsia's, Cacti, Succulents and foliage plants and amongst this fine selection from our homes was the 'Best in Show'. Congratulations to Julie James, amazing what you can achieve with your only entry! Certainly caught the judges attention. You all added a lot of colour to the show and this too I am sure was appreciated by our visitors.
Now, I am going to mention our young exhibitors, Enid Holford, Sophie Featherstone and Eden Rudd who all stood up to be judged with pictures, a miniature garden and displays of garden flowers and mixed foliage. Thank you for your wonderful efforts and I hope you liked the rosettes and certificates.
Now, lastly we have a look at the 'Home Produce' or cake, booze and preserves! It was a well laid out table and one I know that caused a moment or two. When one of Tim Fowlers 'Fowl Brews' was opened it veritably exploded, the stone top nearly injuring our judge Jayne and sending Jarrod a steward into a frenzy....he can move very quickly when required to!!
This apart, there were some fine boiled fruit cakes, Victoria sponges, Lemon drizzle cakes, scones and Welsh cakes. Shame they have to be judged as they all looked marvelous. As mentioned there were alcohols present with an outright winner of a Blackberry gin. Must not forget the preserves, tasteful jams and chutneys, only thing missing would have been the cheese, and what a fine picnic this would have made. We congratulate Sylvia Comben who was our overall winner of section 7 and also the gentlemen who won a first in the cake baking, Albert Payne and Tim Prior.
Need a cuppa so back to Pat and Ros who are still busy! The show is coming to an end now and it is time to present the 28 prizes and this is where Chairperson Bill Lee gets involved....and gets his picture taken 28 times as well!
I will mention the main winners and you can view the below.
Best exhibit in the show was awarded to Julie James (Cacti).
Best vegetable exhibit awarded to Tim Prior (5 onions under 250g).
Exhibitor with most points in the show and winner of the RHS Banksian medal, Albert Payne, who also had the most points for flowers and pot plants.
Exhibitor with the most entries, Chris Burford.
To all of you who received a cup or other trophy, well done. But also well done to everyone who stood up to be counted by entering, without you all there would be no show and nothing for our visitors to enjoy.
Lastly we had our raffle draw and this raised £190 - very good. Most of the prizes are donated by businesses locally and nationally and I can assure you it takes some time to collect. The society would like to thank the following for their support: Waitrose & Partners Cowbridge, Spear & Jacksons, The Co-Operative group, Forage, Penllyn Estate farm, Hozelock UK Ltd, Bloms Bulbs, Glyndwr Vineyard, Dunelm, Waterstones, Filco Foods and LMHS members.
Last few thanks, and these are for our judges: Dennis Barry, Keith Sweetzer and Jayne Thomas who have all kindly agreed to judge next year. Last but not least matt Fallows, he is the tall guy with the camera, and was happily clicking away all afternoon! If any of the cup and trophy winners would like prints he will mount them for you at a small cost. Please let us know (email or telephone Tim on the number below) and it will be arranged
On behalf of the committee, members and visitors, we would also like to thank Tim for his hard work over the past year in organising such a fantastic show yet again and we look forward to what will undoubtedly be even bigger and better in 2024.
All images courtesy of Matt Fallows.
Show Secretary - Tim Prior
The only way I can start this is by saying a very big thank you to everyone who supported the show, principally our exhibitors and visitors. Our grant provider ' Make a difference locally' and Filco supermarkets. Your committee members, the 3 judges, our two wonderful registrars, our 3 refreshment ladies and the photographer. Finally, I would also like to thank the following for supporting our raffle with prizes: Waitrose and Partners Cowbridge, Topstak, the Co-Operative group, Hozelok Ltd, Waterstones, Spear & Jackson and Lakeland. So if you have managed to read through this you can now appreciate the support it takes to provide our society and Llantwit Major with an annual show.
What a year it been, extreme periods of heat and sudden heavy downpours before the show; I take my hat off to our exhibitors who managed to stage vegetables and flowers on the day. It was noticeable, the empty spaces amongst the flowers, no Roses, Carnations or Sweetpeas, a few Gladiolli. Yes it was tough but congratulations must go to Sylvia Geary (best flower exhibit), Chris Jones, Elaine Brown, Tim Fowler, Albert Payne, Sylvia Combes, Liz Rees and Val Lane for providing floral exhibits that won the classes they entered and I will also congratulate those of you who did not get a first place.
The weather also impacted on the vegetables, only one brave soul exhibited a dish of Runner Beans, no French Beans, Peas or Leeks and I am still awaiting the appearance of a pair of Cauliflowers; maybe one show hopefully. There were 37 classes in the vegetable sections of which 31 were entered, brilliant and more variety than the Vale Show, absolutely! If you viewed these classes how can you forget the broadside of massive Onions that Bill Aspinall had grown or that great green 22 inch long 5lb Cucumber that Jarrod Windsor had so lovingly cared for. More Carrots this year and Cabbages too. I would like to especially thank the following Michael Sherratt, Alan Price, Cathy King and Andrew Lewis who were novices at the show, well done, keep up the good work and see you all next year. Congratulations also to Ken Jones who's Tomatoes not only won best vegetable exhibit but also best in the the show overall. Must not forget the following either: Elaine Brown, St Illtyds Primary School, Tim Prior, Chris Burford, Tim Fowler and the rest of the vegetable growers. Thank you.
But did you see what the little ones had grown and made? Magnificent entries in our children's sections of natural foliage, garden flower arrangements, egg cup arrangements, picture colouring, the animals were absolutely sublime and an imaginative way to use vegetables and fruit. But lastly the miniature gardens that Phoebe Latham and Ella Stark made - breathtakingly detailed and they both must have the patience of saints. There were exhibits from five children in the various age groups who all worked really hard, so let us thank: Eden Rudd, Freddy King, Enid Holford, Phoebe Latham and Ella Stark who won the best overall children's exhibit with her miniature garden. Well done to you all for your hard work and creativity.
Finally, our last section to mention and close to your chairman's heart, the Home Produce. Here we found the usual suspects, the Boiled Fruit cakes and Lemon Drizzle cakes, Scones and Welsh cakes and boy did they look good! I think of any section I would judge it would have to be this, the baking looked so lovingly good! Congratulations to Chris Saxton, Tim Prior, Chris Prior, Sylvia Comben and Janice Simmonite for winning their classes. Bakers you will be pleased to hear that the Victoria Sponge will be returning next year! Jams and Chutney's were well represented as were the offerings from our home brewers, fine skills to hone in times of coming austerity and what an enjoyable past time and something to relish throughout the year. Our winners in these sections were: Elaine Brown, Chris Saxton, Ken Jones, and Tim Fowler. The overall winner of the Home Produce only by a whisker was Tim Prior.
Lastly some show facts for you: we had 171 exhibits form 33 exhibitors. There were 178 visitors (it seemed a lot more). Over £300 was paid out in well deserved prize money. There was spare space on our staging tables so we look forward to some new exhibitors and old exhibitors returning for 2023. A full list of class placements and trophy winners can be found below.
It only remains for me to say 'Thank you' again to everybody who either staged exhibits, visited or helped on our day, it makes it worthwhile and I shall start to plan the next show this October for the 19th August next year!
The report for the Llantwit Major Flower and Vegetable Show held on 17th August 2019.
On Saturday 17th August the Llantwit Major Horticultural Society presented it's 45th annual flower and vegetable show to the people of our town and the neighbouring villages from our new venue in the Llantonian Hall. The growing year beforehand had similarities and challenging conditions to last year, weather extremes not hugely enjoyed if you are a gardener or grower relying on consistency. The recent winds and rains were most unwelcome for our budding flower arrangers, it also caused havoc in the vegetable patches. With this in mind I have great admiration for the 37 exhibitors that created the wonderful displays.
Our Society would like to thank the following businesses for their support and contributions. Our show sponsor Filco Supermarkets and the MADL fund. Raffle prizes were gratefully received from: Waitrose and Partners Cowbridge, Topstak, The Co-Operative Group, D.T.Browns, Pugh's Garden Village Wenvoe, Filco Supermarket Llantwit Major and LMHS members. We also thank our exhibitors, our visitors and the supporters who worked tirelessly throughout the day. All of you made the day for our community.
There were a total of 207 exhibits, this was slightly down on last year as some of our previous exhibitors had other longstanding arrangement. However the quality more than made up for this shortfall, well done to you all for keeping the standards high. The judges were very pleased with all the exhibits on show, an expression that we all felt on walking around the displays. As you did walk about all the floral displays you could not help but to admire the beautiful colours and originality from these exhibits. Our home produce judge Mrs Sheena Sarjeant was impressed with the quality and quantity of home produce that she had to judge, must have been a veritable delight sampling the many cakes, jams, marmalade, chutneys, home brews and the fine cakes made by the children.
Along the vegetable and fruit tables there were pears, plums, apples and onions, sweetcorn, beetroots, cabbages and cucumbers, giant runner beans and many more. We had imaginative exhibits in the children's section and from our novice vegetable growers. Ella Stark, Phoebe Latham and Oscar Thomas aged 3 touched hearts with their baking, miniature gardens, animals made from fruit and vegetables and foliage displays. For the first time we had a children's class of five different vegetables and this was won by Daniel Winther-Hartley. There were more novice items which is encouraging and the overall winner was Nichola Harler-Witts from Wick.
Within the show were exhibitors Liz Renton, Sylvia Comben, Cath Thomas, Jarrod Windsor, Annabel and Bill Aspinall all receiving prize money. Chris Jones won Best in Show and the best flower exhibit. Tim Prior won the best vegetable exhibit with five matching onions and was awarded with the National Vegetable Societies silver medal. The Chamber of Trade plaque was awarded to Alison Leach who also won the prestigious RHS Banksian medal for the most money won in classes 1 to 47 an outstanding achievement. The Top Vase of mixed flowering stems, a beautiful arrangement won by Janice Simmonite. Chris Jones again excelled winning trophies and cups for most points in the floral classes, decoratives and lastly overall winner in the Home produce section. Well done Chris. Elaine Brown won the D T Brown cup for most entries, 19 in all and the best fruit exhibit, fantastic. The LMHS has one award which should have a large 'E' for effort on it and it is awarded to the individual(s) who over the months have maintained an allotment in Llanmaes Road. This has been awarded to Chris Burford, congratulations. Our young exhibitors were all successful in winning prizes, large red rosettes and certificates of excellence. The LMHS cups and trophies were presented by our society chairman Bill Lee on behalf of Filco Supermarkets.
This year the Llantwit Major Town Council re instigated the competition of 'The best kept front garden' for our community, private gardens loved by the owners and shared with us. The eventual winner after judging was Paula Kirkham, many congratulation Paula. The Mayor of Llantwit Major Councilor Robert Gant presided in presenting the Town Council Cup to her.
We hope that our exhibitors enthusiasm will encourage more flower and vegetable growers to add to our show of next year which will be held on the 15th August 2020. You do not have to be a LMHS member to exhibit so why not give it a try!
Please note, all the photographs were taken by Matt Fallows of the Vale Photographic Club and a large selection can be viewed on the Society website at: You can also visit our web site and find out about the lectures, trips and meetings.
Tim Prior (LMHS Show Secretary)
Trophy winners.
Bill Webb Shield – Best exhibit in show – Chris Jones.
Town Council Cup – Exhibitor with most points – Chris Jones.
D T Brown Cup – Exhibitor with most entries – Elaine Brown.
E A Lloyd Cup – Class 21, six vegetables – Tim Prior.
Keith & Jean Powell Shield – Best fruit exhibit in classes 23-28 – Elaine Brown.
Society Rose Bowl – Best flower exhibit – Chris Jones.
Society Cup – Best vegetable exhibit – Tim Prior.
W Deere Memorial Trophy – Most points in decorative class – Chris Jones.
Show Secretaries Shield – Best dish of runner beans – Tim Prior.
D T Brown Cup – Best dish of tomatoes – Annabel Aspinall.
Albert & Barbara Payne Cup – Most points for flowers and pot plants – Chris Jones.
RHS Banksian medal – Most money won in classes 1-47 – Alison Leach.
National Vegetable Society silver medal – Best vegetable exhibit – Tim Prior.
Pamela Bean memorial Trophy – Best exhibit of flowers & foliage – Chris Jones.
Eleanor Lloyd Memorial Trophy – Best kept allotment – Chris Burford.
Llantwit Major First Independent Councilors Cup – Most points in section 7, Home baking, preserves & home brewing – Chris Jones.
Top Tray – Three types of vegetables – Alison Leach.
Top Vase – Vase of mixed flowering stems – Janice Simmonite.
Children's classes.
Aberthaw Power station Shield – Best exhibit in children's classes – Ella Stark.
Eddie & Sue Hughes Cup No 1 – Winner in classes 66,68 & 69 – Ella Stark.
Eddie & Sue Hughes Cup No 2 – Winner in classes 66,68 & 69 – Phoebe Latham.
Mrs W Stephens Cup No 1 – Winner in class 67 – Ella Stark.
Mrs W Stephens Cup No 2 – Winner in class 70 – Ella Stark.
Society Trophy – Winner in class 65 – Daniel Winther-Hartley.
The report for the Llantwit Major Flower and Vegetable Show held on 18th August 2018.
I think you would all agree that this year has been one of mixed weather extremes and not hugely enjoyed if you are a gardener or grower relying on consistency. A long mild winter ending with the Beast from the East, wet spring and very dry summer, challenging! We were lucky to have 36 exhibitors who stood up to the mark and provided a feast for the eyes.
The Llantwit Major Horticultural Society would like to to thank the following for their support. Our show sponsor Harris Pye Engineering and the local businesses who provided prizes for our end of show raffle. Also our exhibitors, our visitors and the 30 supporters who worked tirelessly throughout the day. Finally to Liz Evans for her floral arrangement demonstration and our three stall holders, Leighton Morris of Herbs in Wales, Sue Verran of Ty-Mel with homemade preserves, The Vale of Glamorgan Ramblers. Thank you for without you there would not be an event like this in Llantwit Major.
There were a total of 228 exhibits, this was slightly down on last year but the quality more than made up for this shortfall, well done to you all for keeping the standards high. The judges were very pleased with all the exhibits on show, an expression that we all felt on walking around the displays. This was a a difficult one to be judge and it was only minor differences that influenced the final placements. As you walked about all the floral displays you could not help but to admire the beautiful colours and originality from these exhibits.
Along the vegetable and fruit tables there were melon, plums, apples and onions, sweetcorn, beetroots, carrots and cucumbers, sword like giant runner beans and many more. We had exhibits for our children's section and from our novice vegetable growers. The three girls Ella Stark, Phoebe Latham and Eden Rudd touched hearts with their vibrant miniature gardens, animals made from fruit and vegetables and foliage displays. First time exhibitors Dai Morris and Jarrod Windsor graced our novice table, most notably there were a pair of marrows on display, it is the top table for you next year! To add to the occasion Alan Cairns our MP and Secretary of State for Wales visited over the lunchtime period and commented to Bill Lee the Society Chairman on the obvious efforts that had been made by many.
Within the show were exhibitors Liz Rees, Barbara Payne, Sylvia Geary and Elaine Brown who all received prizes with Elaine winning best flower exhibit. The Top Tray and Top Vase were won by Alison Leech and Cath Thomas respectively. Tim Prior won the best in show with a dish of nine exhibition shallots also the National Vegetable Society silver medal and RHS Banksian medal for most money won in classes 1 to 47. Andy Wellsbury won the prize for the most exhibits entered with 18. Chris Jones had the most points in section seven, baking, preserves, chutney and home brewing. This section was up over 50% on last year with a chocolate sponge sandwich proving popular. Our very young lady exhibitors, Ella (6), Phoebe (7yrs 6 months) and Eden (3yrs 8 months) were all successful in winning prizes, large red rosettes and certificates of excellence. Three future horticulturalists in the making and judging by their smiles very pleased and rightly so. Finally, Karen and Simon Winter-Harley and their son received the award for best kept allotment judged to RHS rules. All the cups and trophies were presented by the society chairman Bill Lee on behalf of Harris Pye Engineering.
Whether you were 3 years and 8 months or 87 years and 3 months we hope that this enthusiasm will encourage more flower and vegetable growers to add to our show of next year which will be held on the 17th August 2019.
Please note, all the photographs were taken by Matt Fallows of the Vale Photographic Club.
Trophy winners.
Bill Webb Shield – Best exhibit in show – Tim Prior.
Town Council Cup – Exhibitor with most points – Tim Prior.
D T Brown Cup – Exhibitor with most entries – Andy Wellsbury.
E A Lloyd Cup – Class 21, six vegetables - Liz Rees.
Keith & Jean Powell Shield – Best fruit exhibit in classes 23-28 – Tim Fowler.
Society Rose Bowl – Best flower exhibit – Elaine Brown.
Society Cup – Best vegetable exhibit – Tim Prior.
Society Trophy – Class 42 , hanging basket – Elaine Brown.
W Deere Memorial trophy – Most points in decorative class – Barbara Payne.
Show Secretaries Shield – Best dish of runner beans – Tim Prior.
D T Brown Cup – Best dish of tomatoes – Tim Prior.
Albert & Barbara Payne Cup – Most points for flowers and pot plants – Sylvia Geary.
RHS Banksian medal – Most money won in classes 1-47 – Tim Prior.
National Vegetable Society silver medal – Best vegetable exhibit – Tim Prior.
Pamela Bean memorial Trophy – Best exhibit of flowers & foliage – Chris Jones.
Elenor Lloyd Memorial Trophy – Best kept allotment – Karen & Simon Winter-Hartley.
Llantwit Major first Independent Councillors Cup – Most points in section 7, home baking, preserves & home brewing – Chris Jones.
Top Tray – Three types of vegetables – Alison Leech.
Top Vase – Vase of mixed flowering stems – Cath Thomas.
Children's classes.
Aberthaw Power station Shield – Best exhibit in children's classes – Ella Stark.
Eddie & Sue Hughes Cup No 1 – Winner in classes 66,68 & 69 – Eden Rudd.
Eddie & Sue Hughes Cup No 2 – Winner in classes 66,68 & 69 – Phoebe Latham.
Mrs W Stephens Cup No 1 – Winner in class 67 – Ella Stark.
Mrs W Stephens Cup No 2 – Winner in class 70 – Ella Stark.
2018 Photographs.