Annual General Meeting Report 2024
The Annual General Meeting of the Society was held on Wednesday 30th October 2024 at the Llantonian Hall in Llantwit Major. More than 50 members attended in person along with over 30 apologies sent - a fantastic turn out and well above the minimum required for the meeting to proceed.
The meeting commenced with the Chairperson’s report in which the society members were thanked for their on-going commitment which has ensured the society remain alive post pandemic when so many others have fallen. He also thanked the committee and behind the scenes volunteers for their hard work, especially noting stock in the store, the variety of speakers we have enjoyed this year and the dedication of the Show and Trips Secretary’s. The Chairperson also explained the increase in membership fee which is due to commence in January 2025 as a product of ever increasing costs in running the society.
Our Treasurer produced a financial statement for the year and thanked John Nunn on behalf of the committee for examining the accounts. She explained some of the costs including the increase in cost of monthly speakers and our insurance, as well as money generated from subscriptions and trips. She also outlined the cost of the website upkeep and mentioned we did not receive a grant for this year’s summer show, explaining that it was the bank interest and store income that kept us afloat this year.
The Show Secretary`s report pondered a funny old year with the weather that impacted exhibitors entries, leaving gaps in all sections of the show where produce would once have been. Despite this Tim outlined some of the winners on the day and the success story of the best kept allotment won by Annette Smith, and the increase in children’s entrants this year. He thanked the committee and the volunteers who’s hard work on the day itself is integral to the show’s success. He finished by noting that less than 25% of our members contributed to the show and hoped we can do better next year - the show booked for August 16th 2025.
All bar one of the present committee members indicated that they were prepared to stand again. As there was no opposition to this, the Committee was duly re-elected. After 20 years of service our Treasurer Kath Pugh is hanging up her spreadsheet and the meeting was introduced to Sarah Barlow, who was voted in as our new Treasurer. Kath will remain on the committee to ensure a smooth handover.
No points for discussion had been received from members 14 days prior to the date of the meeting, as required in the constitution. No other general questions were raised and therefore the meeting concluded at 8pm.
Our thanks to those who attended both in person and sent their apologies to be counted.
Annual General Meeting Report 2023
The Annual General Meeting of the Society was held on Wednesday 25th October 2023 at the Llantonian Hall in Llantwit Major. More than 30 members attended which is the minimum required for the meeting to proceed.
The meeting commenced with the Chairman`s report in which the Committee members were thanked for their on-going hard work and commitment to the Society. The Chairman outlined the various activities and projects that the Society has been involved with, including our monthly talks, trips, the annual show, and the store, and requested help with tidying up the area around the store. He also thanked Gwennan Craddock for her hard work in running the Society`s website.
The Treasurer produced a financial statement for the year and explained all the entries to show how the money is being used on members behalf.
The Show Secretary`s report highlighted all the ways in which this year`s show was an unqualified success. There was a large number of entries and the quality of the exhibits in all the classes was noted by the judges. The team behind the show secretary were thanked for their help and preparation for next year`s show is already underway.
All of the present committee members indicated that they were prepared to stand again. As there was no opposition to this, the Committee was duly re-elected.
No points for discussion had been received from members 14 days prior to the date of the meeting, as required in the constitution. No other general questions were raised and therefore the meeting concluded.
Our thanks to those who attended both in person and sent their apologies to be counted.
2022 AGM Report
The Annual General Meeting of the Society was held on Wednesday 26th October in the Llantonian Hall. The minimum quorum of 30 was achieved so the meeting commenced at 7.30pm.
Bill Lee, our Chairperson gave his report on the previous year. He thanked the committee for their continued hard work and commitment to the Society and was pleased that finally we've been able to resume our monthly talks, trips and the annual show.
Kath Pugh than gave her treasurers report and she explained some of the individual entries on the financial statement. David Davies, our independent examiner, was thanked for auditing the Society's accounts.
Tim Prior gave a very comprehensive report on our annual show held in August, thanking everyone who exhibited, together with all who helped with the preparation beforehand and on the day. Next year's show has been booked for Saturday 19th August in the Llantonian Hall.
All committee members were re-elected in their roles, and we welcome Cherrill Barrett to the committee, who will serve as a General Member.
Our two trustees were also re-elected, and our independent examiner.
A motion to make the constitution gender free was passed unanimously.
Lifetime membership certificates were presented to Kath Pugh and Elizabeth Rees for their longstanding contribution to the Society.
A fully copy of the AGM minutes, along with the amended constitution, can be seen below.