


New members of the society are encouraged and welcome! Green fingered or no experience at all, we look forward to welcoming you all.

The annual subscription for the society is £10.00 which covers you and your spouse or partner, paid on January 1st of every year by standing order. Once we have received your subscription fee you will receive a membership card which will provide you with your unique membership number, giving you access to our Society Store. This could take up to 1 month and if you wish to use the Store in the meantime you can contact our membership secretary Jarrod Windsor for your number.  

We have noted that, in good faith, some applicants have contacted their bank themselves and set up the standing order. However, this means that a membership number has not yet been allocated and therefore when payment is received by the Society, it is sometimes very difficult to match the payment to the member. We have also in the past accepted cash as payment but we have noted that quite a lot of new members then, understandably, forget to pay the following year and don`t realise that their membership has lapsed.

The committee therefore requests that all applicants complete an application form in full, available from our store or to download via the form below, and return to our membership secretary, details of which are on the form. The application can then be processed and the appropriate section of the form forwarded to the bank by our membership secretary.

Please note: the Society does not keep a record of any bank details, to comply with GDPR.

The success of the society is due to our dedicated team of volunteers and when becoming a member, we ask you to register your interest or availability to help in our store, at our summer show or with deliveries.  

Application forms can be downloaded below and printed at home or collected from our store on the allotments on Llanmaes Road. Please note, you do not need to register to become a member of the society to attend talks or to go on our trips but you will be asked to pay a pound or two more! 


Download Membership Form Here!