2022 AGM Report
The Annual General Meeting of the Society was held on Wednesday 26th October in the Llantonian Hall. The minimum quorum of 30 was achieved so the meeting commenced at 7.30pm.
Bill Lee, our Chairperson gave his report on the previous year. He thanked the committee for their continued hard work and commitment to the Society and was pleased that finally we've been able to resume our monthly talks, trips and the annual show.
Kath Pugh than gave her treasurers report and she explained some of the individual entries on the financial statement. David Davies, our independent examiner, was thanked for auditing the Society's accounts.
Tim Prior gave a very comprehensive report on our annual show held in August, thanking everyone who exhibited, together with all who helped with the preparation beforehand and on the day. Next year's show has been booked for Saturday 19th August in the Llantonian Hall.
All committee members were re-elected in their roles, and we welcome Cherrill Barrett to the committee, who will serve as a General Member.
Our two trustees were also re-elected, and our independent examiner.
A motion to make the constitution gender free was passed unanimously.
Lifetime membership certificates were presented to Kath Pugh and Elizabeth Rees for their longstanding contribution to the Society.
A fully copy of the AGM minutes, along with the amended constitution, can be seen on our talks & meetings page.
Kath and Elizabeth receiving their lifetime membership certificates from Chairperson Bill Lee.