Cheese and wine evening

On Friday May 24th the Society held a cheese and wine evening at the Llantonian Hall to say thank you to all our volunteers who help in various ways, including manning the store on a Sunday morning, helping to unload deliveries of compost and other items at the store, making and serving
the teas and biscuits at our monthly talks and washing up afterwards, and providing assistance to our show secretary in the setting up and running of our annual show.

The evening was organised by our show secretary, Tim Prior, and our speakers secretary, Cath Thomas. 35 invited guests attended and enjoyed a substantial and very tasty buffet which included bread, cheese biscuits, pate, many varieties of cheese, grapes, pickled onions and pickles, with a choice of wine or fruit juice.

Our chairman, Bill Lee, thanked all our volunteers for their willingness and commitment to the Society. Without them, it would be a lot more work for the committee and we are very grateful for the time and effort our volunteers give to the Society.

Gwennan Rees