July speaker report


Our speaker this month was Sheena Crossley, who has given us many talks over the years, and is always welcomed for her immense knowledge on whichever subject she speaks about.

The topic this time was` Shrubs for all Seasons` and Sheena gave us advice on which shrubs to choose for different aspects of our gardens, e.g. shady areas, areas that are in full sun for most of the day, or exposed and coastal areas. Each example was described with details of colour, form, texture and ultimate height and spread, with advice on how to care for the shrubs including how and
when to prune.

Sheena brought with her a bag containing a seemingly endless supply of prunings she had taken from mainly her own garden, to illustrate the variety of shrubs available, and she very kindly let us take all these home to take cuttings from.

A big thankyou to Sheena for a very entertaining and informative talk, and to everyone who attended.

There will be no speaker in August as we take our summer break. The next talk will be on Wednesday September 27th at 7.30pm in the Llantonian Hall and will include a flower demonstration by Gill Lewis. All are welcome.

Please note:Members continue to be able to attend for free, but non members will be charged £1 for entry to our talks. Don’t forget - membership only costs £5 for the year for you and a partner, but entry to all our talks for the year will cost you £10! If you are a member, please remember to bring your membership card along with you.

Gwennan Rees