September Speakers Report

Our speaker for September was Rob Evans from Pheasant Acre Plants with a talk on spring bulbs. Rob is involved with the RHS as a panellist for their plant trials and illustrated his talk with a slide show of the best varieties of tulips that have been awarded garden merit status.

Daffodils, camassias, amaryllis and dwarf irises were also included in the slide show and Rob gave us detailed information on each variety, including flowering time, height, when and where to plant, and also included plenty of tips for getting the best displays, and how to care for the bulbs after flowering.

Rob had brought a great selection of bulbs for us to purchase after the talk which were well received. There will be very colourful pots and borders in and around Llantwit come the spring!

Many thanks to Rob for an excellent talk, and to all who attended.
Please note: There will be no speaker in October due to the AGM. Our last speaker of 2023 will be in November - more details soon!

Gwennan Rees