November Jobs
1. Order bare-root roses, fruit trees and shrubs. Late autumn and winter are ideal for planting times.
2. Plant out winter bedding such as pansies, violas, heathers and cyclamen for colour over the coming season.
3. Lift dahlia tubers and begonia and gladiolus corns to store in a frost free shed of greenhouse over winter.
4. Sow overwintering broad beans and peas outside (protect from hungry mice) and net all brassicas to keep hungry birds away.
5. Remove old and tatty leaves from hellebores, making space for new buds and leaves to develop.
6. Collect and save seed and keep somewhere out of the light and with a constant temperature.
7. Plant now for glorious spring flowers e.g. spring bulbs, wallflowers, forget-me-nots, sweet rocket and foxgloves.